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Hire qualified reps with an all-in-one interview & skills testing process

Whether your contact center is in North America or abroad, our complete interview experience tests candidates and shares an effective job preview. Hire better, faster.

Contact Center hiring

Trusted by 100s of contact centers

HGS Expergio Bill Gosling Aspirion

Build a better workforce with an insight-driven hiring process

Person with checkmarks

Reduce new hire turnover with a clear job preview

Location tag

Improve completion rates with a streamlined experience

Globe with locations

Hire from anywhere with a global-ready platform

Give a clear job preview while getting qualified candidates

Our interviewing platform allows you to give candidates a clear understanding of the role ahead, helping you to reduce new hire turnover.

  • Candidates complete a single step, combining one-way video interviewing with skills testing
  • Use a variety of skills assessments including multiple-choice, workplace scenario questions, and speed-typing tests
  • Use video and audio-based questions to evaluate candidates’ performance in simulated workplace scenarios
User profile on the VidCruiter Software
Automated SMS helps increase completion rates

Create a streamlined candidate experience to increase completion rates

Make your interviewing process easy and accessible for all candidate to improve your overall completion rates.

Confidently hire from anywhere

Expand your team globally with an interview platform that provides a consistent experience for candidates around the world.

  • Automatic bandwidth optimization creates a reliable interview experience regardless of a candidate’s network speed
  • Use video proctoring to ensure test compliance
  • Allow candidates to interview in any language
  • We offer global data hosting and comply with local personal information laws around the world
Profile rating helps you hire with confidence

Provide a clear view into your work environment

VidCruiter’s job preview function allows candidates to truly understand the day-to-day role requirements, helping you to focus on qualified candidates and drastically reduce turnover.

Workers at their computers

Optimize your contact center recruitment with VidCruiter

Here are the top VidCruiter products contact center teams are using.

Skills assessments


Evaluate a variety of competencies with our skills tests. Our video-based tests give you the option to proctor – either in real-time or by reviewing recordings at your convenience.

Pre-recorded interviews


Get the most convenient and cost-effective interviewing method. Reduce the number of required interviews with deeper insights into applicants from day one.

Automated scheduling


Hiring managers and recruiters can sync up their calendars to share their real-time availability, allowing candidates to choose an interview time around their schedule.


Create a better candidate experience with streamlined interviewing

Explore core competencies and test candidate’s cognitive skills all in one interview. By reducing hiring steps you can interview candidates effectively in 20 minutes or less.

Selecting mulitple profiles in the VidCruiter profile
Luke Govier

"We hire better people, therefore, we provide better customer service, therefore, customers stay with us longer. I think it makes our business better because we know we’re hiring better people for what’s such an important role for the company."

Luke Govier

Head of Talent Acquisition


VidCruiter has vast experience dealing with all sizes of contact centers.
We can help you navigate complex government processes – from planning to implementation.

A quick and effective way to recruit

Streamline your interview process to hire great candidates faster.