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Accurately Summarize Interviews With AI

Spend less time on notes and more on candidates with complete, in-depth summaries.

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115,000+ recruiters trust VidCruiter

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Automated interview note taking, summarizing, and transcripts - all in one platform

Create accurate live interview notes to focus on your candidate.

Speed up your hiring pipeline. Evaluate candidates faster.

Reduce bias and maintain compliance with interview records.

Capture detailed notes without getting sidetracked from your interview

Keep your focus on evaluating candidates.

  • Receive an accurate transcription of dialogue between recruiters and candidates.
  • Find keywords discussed without manually searching through the transcript.
  • Timestamps allow easy navigation to key moments.
Evaluate Candidates with AI summaries

Summaries save you time by pulling out key highlights and skills for your review

Reduce bias across your organization. Focus on job-specific competencies.

  • Identify and summarize qualifications, experience, and skills.
  • Highlight strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Produce summaries on predefined criteria or key competencies.
Job-specific AI summaries

Streamline your hiring process with faster evaluation

Save time and rate more consistently with advanced evaluation and collaboration tools.

  • Integrate with your ATS for seamless data flow across hiring teams.
  • Suggest questions to ask in the future based on initial interview gaps.
Faster evaluation

Connect to the world with VidCruiter

Top products trusted worldwide to hire candidates

Quality hires icon

Quality Hires

Increase your predictive validity by up to 65%.

Reduce costs icon

Reduce Cost of Hires

Get significant savings of up to 75%.

Faster hiring icon

Faster Hiring

Reduce time to hire by up to 75%.

Diversity icon

Diversity and Inclusion

Create a foundation for DEIA initiatives.

Hybrid icon

Hybrid Interviewing

Effortlessly host hybrid interviews.

Interview compliance icon

Interview Compliance

Align the interview process with strategic goals.

Customer support


24/7 Live Support With Rapid Response Time

With VidCruiter, support is always available.







Our clients are our champions

Don’t take our word for it — see what they have to say.

Angelica Teaman
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VidCruiter helps achieve large scale recruitment while also maintaining the human touch.

Angelica Teaman

Talent Acquisition Manager
Universal Orlando Resort

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Surbhi Singh
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VidCruiter increases the speed and quality of our recruiting by providing an equitable and accessible platform to a diverse applicant pool.

Surbhi Singh

Senior Workforce Strategist
Oregon Department of Human Services

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Tara Antle
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We’re hiring 3X faster by empowering applicants to interview when, where, and how they prefer.

Tara Antle

Talent Acquisition Field Manager

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Get started with VidCruiter today

Enhance your interview process with products that work with your existing tech stack.

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