VidCruiter Logo

Automated hiring platform

Automation can schedule meetings, update profiles, and coordinate communications so your team can focus on making great decisions.

Recruiting Automation

115,000+ recruiters trust VidCruiter

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Lighten the administrative load across your team



A faster, more direct experience than a chatbot



Smart automation to accelerate proven, consistent processes

Customized recruitment flows for every step of the journey

Flexible administrative support for your entire hiring team.

  • Automate scheduling, notifications, and record keeping to focus more energy on engaging candidates
  • Instant profile updates as candidates complete stages
  • Automated communications that come from a real recruiter’s e-mail
  • Efficiencies for any workflow, of any complexity
Example of a customized recruitment process
Flexible automation speeds up your recruitment process

All the function, none of the frustration

Enjoy the speed of simple, flexible automation.

  • Speed up the process with easy, accessible application forms
  • Candidates can apply directly from Indeed with their existing profile
  • Keep candidates engaged with immediate communications for next steps as they complete stages
  • A personalized candidate experience without the annoying chatbot

Streamline equitable process

Support fair and objective hiring with structured, automated workflows.

  • Provide every candidate with a consistent application, process, and experience
  • Automate personalized and thoughtful candidate communications at every stage
  • Know your applicants are fully prepared with interview details, platform support and peace of mind
Structured and automated workflows ensures equitable hiring practices

Proven processes, made faster