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Fully Customizable Reporting

Gain organizational visibility to optimize performance across your entire hiring process.

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115,000+ recruiters trust VidCruiter

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Optimize internal processes with real-time performance metrics

Identify productivity and process improvements across locations, departments, and individuals

databases connections

Connect all your data sources in visually rich, interactive dashboards

Customizable dashboards allow users to explore and analyze data through advanced filtering

decision making icon

Accelerate decision-making across your organization with powerful reporting workflows

Flexible workflows for seamless reporting hands-off and cross-departmental collaboration

process improvement automation

Target process improvements in real-time with powerful automated reporting

Gain a holistic view of performance on hiring initiatives and/or candidate relationship management through transparent reporting.

  • Fully automated reporting and analytics take the guesswork out of performance reviews and process improvements
  • Easily measure across internal benchmarks:
    • Time-to-Interview
    • Time-to-hire
    • Cost per hire
    • Job board performance
    • Open positions
    • Candidate sources
    • And more with our powerful BI tool
  • Better understand your talent pool, including your most effective candidate sources
  • Perform year-over-year analysis through stored reporting in a centralized repository

Dashboard data visualizations as tailored as the questions on your mind

Receive instant visualizations on any question through an ML-powered engine and configurable dashboards.

  • Easily transform multiple data sources (on-premises and from the cloud, big data sources, and third-party services) into a single visualization for deep organizational insights
  • View key metrics at a glance with advanced filtering and drop-downs
  • Configure dashboards per user to create personalized reporting
  • Receive instant answers and rich visualizations to conversational questions such as progress on workforce diversity, post-hire performance, and more
  • Quickly identify hidden trends and insights, business drivers, and future forecast results in easy to consume narrative and visualizations
  • Access reporting dashboards any time from any device, or export to CSV and PDF
Easily download reports example

Work with the VidCruiter team to set up dashboards across your organization during implementation

Example of automated workflows

Automated workflows for seamless reporting hand-offs across your organization

Securely publish dashboards across organizational stakeholders with reporting as configurable as your operational workflows.

  • Provide global availability for all users, on the device of their choice
  • Tailor reporting metrics and timing to your specific workflows
  • Automate notifications and the distribution of reports
  • Speed up future hiring initiatives by saving reporting workflows as templates for future use

Strict security measures and full industry compliance

Ensure data integrity, security, and compliance through VidCruiter’s platform.

  • VidCruiter uses 256-bit FIPS 140-2 Validated encryption, which is the standard for encryption required to reliably protect sensitive information for the United States and Canadian Governments
  • Reporting is fully compliant with HITRUST CSF, GDPR, SOC, ISO 27001, and more
  • VidCruiter’s entire product suite adheres to HTTPS TLS 1.2 secured communication, as well as other strict security standards
security industry compliance


VidCruiter’s platform can easily connect across all applicant tracking systems and corporate data warehouses via our API. Ask us more about how we can get you connected.

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Why VidCruiter’s customizable reporting?


Real-time reporting through custom, automated workflows


Configurable dashboards, and powerful filtering capabilities


Individual, departmental, or corporate-wide analytics


Integration with existing software and bespoke, corporate data

Increase visibility into individual productivity and larger process improvements in real-time