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Hybrid interviewing solution built for your ideal process

Host interviews with participants joining by phone, video, and in-person all in one meeting. Optimize collaboration across complex work schedules

Hybrid Interviewing Solutions

115,000+ recruiters trust VidCruiter

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Globe and Graph

Extend hybrid work models to the interviewing process with automated coordination

Secure Devices

Ensure interview consistency and compliance across all interview formats

Positive Experience

Provide a positive candidate experience and preview your approach to hybrid work

Provide interview flexibility for your hybrid hiring team

Easily coordinate interviews among your hiring team, regardless of where they’re working.

  • Allow each member of your hiring team to choose when, where, and how they interview, whether over the phone, through video, or in person – all within a single platform
  • Automatically send invites to all participants with unique links specific to interview format
  • Include interviewers working from home in in-office interviews
Give your team flexibility when interviewing
Ensure compliance with hybrid interviewing

Ensure compliance across hybrid interviewing

Maintain interview consistency and structured processes across all interview formats.

  • Provide a consistent experience for candidates with preset interview formats for each interview stage
  • Standardize the interview and evaluation process across attendees’ format choices with a structured interview methodology

Create a positive interview experience across all formats

Showcase your organization and work models throughout the interview process.

  • Give candidates a positive first impression with custom branded interview screens and waiting room
  • Optimize candidate empowerment to choose when and how they interview while also providing the hiring team flexibility to accommodate a complex work schedule
  • Give candidates a single view of available interview booking times synchronized across all interviewer calendars
  • Ensure ease of use for candidates with no apps, downloads, or logins required
Positive Interview Experience

Interviewing designed for hybrid work models and hiring team collaboration