Save money with a better hiring solution
Hire for less with modern tools from an all-in-one solution.
115,000+ recruiters trust VidCruiter
Get more done using fewer resources
Save money by using fewer vendors
Reduce turnover with the right hire
Save 1000s of recruiting hours each month
Optimize efficiency with automated workflows and notifications.
- Reduce admin work with candidate-powered tools like interview scheduling software and one-way interviewing
- Communicate efficiently at scale by auto-sending custom SMS/email notifications based on pre-set criteria
- Automatically advance applicants based on scores to keep them engaged with your hiring process
Use an all-in-one recruitment solution
VidCruiter offers an end-to-end hiring solution so that you can accomplish five hiring stages all in the same platform, from job posting to onboarding.
- Use one solution that does it all, rather than utilizing multiple vendors with overlapping features
- Bundle and save! Get significant cost savings with multiple VidCruiter products
- Pick and choose which products make sense for your hiring workflow, with time savings gained regardless of which arrangement you decide upon
- Integrate with additional HR tools for a seamless recruiting experience
Reduce costly turnover with the right hire
Bad hires are costly in numerous ways. Safeguard your bottom line by hiring the right candidate the first time.
- Allow hiring teams to be confident in their decision-making by leveraging data
- Use competency-driven evaluations to rate, rank, and sort candidates based on objective reasoning
- Increase the predictive validity of your hires through structured interviewing and interview compliance tools

"Learn how GradBay saved £50,000 from switching to VidCruiter, a meaningful accomplishment for a company of seven employees."
Benedict Hazan
"Learn how GradBay saved £50,000 from switching to VidCruiter, a meaningful accomplishment for a company of seven employees."

Reduce costs with VidCruiter’s streamlined recruiting.