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Pre-Recorded Video Interviews

Get deeper candidate insights from day one with the most convenient, cost-effective screening method — powered by AI.

Pre-recorded interviews

115,000+ recruiters trust VidCruiter

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Decrease time to hire by 75% icon

Decrease time-to-hire

With VidCruiter, you can decrease time-to-hire by up to 75%

6x less expensive icon

Hire more cost-effectively

Pre-recorded video interviewing is 6x less expensive than phone interviews

Increase predictive validity by 65% icon

Hire the right talent

Understand candidates better with a predictive validity of up to 65%

AI powered icon

Enhance your hiring with AI

Focus on your candidate's communication skills rather than taking notes

Reduce time-to-hire by up to 75%

The top talent is on the market for just 10 days. Hire them before somebody else does.

  • Candidates simply open a link and interview at their convenience. No apps or downloads required.
  • Hiring managers chose when to evaluate interviews
  • One-click, real-time dashboard helps you easily identify top talent
Reduce Time-to-hire by up to 75%
Pre-recorded Interviews are 6x more cost-efficient than phone interviews.

6x more cost-efficient than phone interviews

Get a high ROI with automation and digitization that allows you to get the job done using far fewer resources.

  • Free up many administrative hours spent on recruitment
  • Easy-to-adopt technology saves you from a steep learning curve
  • Better manage budgets with predictable pricing – you only pay per successful hire

Increase the predictive validity of your hires by up to 65%

With unstructured phone screenings, you’re not getting the full picture. Identify the top talent early on with structured interviewing.

  • Everyone is seeing the same source of truth – no summary notes or emails required
  • Easily diversify the rating panel to ensure evaluations are fair
  • Evaluate applicants with easy-to-use customized competency-based rating guides
65% increase in predictive validity
AI-powered interview features

AI-powered interview features help you recruit better

Save time on note-taking and focus on building relationships with candidates.

  • Capture an accurate transcription of interviews between recruiters and candidates.
  • Accurately summarize interviews and reduce bias by focusing on job-specific competencies.
  • Toggle both features with a click and streamline your hiring process in an instant

A Simple, Seamless Candidate Experience Across All Devices

Optimized for desktop and mobile, applicants complete recordings with ease.

  • Intuitive, simple layout helps candidates navigate the app easily
  • Recorder remains open throughout the process, so there are no interruptions
  • Applicants can review their video after they're done recording
  • Support in multiple languages
  • 24/7 applicant support & a 1-minute turnaround time
Seamless candidate experience
Carmund White Headshot

"Pre-recorded video gives us a 360-degree look at the applicants who’ve applied."



Kelley School of Business Logo

Consistently evaluate each candidate

Consistent candidate evaluation

We use a structured interview approach in all of our pre-recorded video interviews to allow for easy and fair comparisons between applicants when evaluating their answers.

Time Icon

Same interview length

Puzzle Icon

Equal difficulty level

Answering time Icon

Identical questions asked

Probing Icon

Diversified panel

Transparent Reporting Icon

Transparent reporting

Dana Golding Manager of Talent Acquisition at Sheridan College

"We like to be able to assess candidates based on their skills and abilities, and this requires various assessment methods. VidCruiter provides a viable method to make candidates feel comfortable. It supports EDI hiring best practices as candidates have more flexibility built into the process."

Dana Golding

Manager of Talent Acquisition,

Sheridan College

Sheridan College Logo


VidCruiter offers a variety of pre-built and custom integrations to seamlessly exist alongside your current software.

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Why VidCruiter's pre-recorded interviews?

Qualifying Questions Icon

Create qualifying

Builtin Ratings Icon

Built-in rating

Anytime Playback Icon

Anytime video

Parameters Icon

Set interview

Video Based Icon

Load video-based

Start hiring better people, in less time


Pre-recorded video interviews FAQ

  • What is a pre-recorded video interview?

  • Unlike a live video interview, a pre-recorded video interview does not require interviewer(s) and interviewee(s) to meet at a pre-determined time. Instead, the interviewer sends a unique link to candidates inviting them to complete their virtual interview whenever works best (24/7). During the pre-recorded video interview, job applicants are asked a series of interview questions (either through written text or pre-recorded video). They follow simple instructions to record their responses to the questions. Recruiters and hiring professionals can then watch, score and compare the recorded video interviews whenever they’d like. The video responses can be easily shared with other decision makers involved in the hiring process, who can also review them when time allows. No wonder they are so popular!
  • Does pre-recorded video interviewing speed up hiring?

  • Pre-recorded video interviewing can definitely speed up hiring time—by up to 80%! Pre-recorded video interviews are the most convenient interviewing option out there because everyone who participates in one does so on their own time. This helps accelerate hiring by eliminating scheduling conflicts. It also saves time and money on needless travel to meet in-person, which is too common during the early screening stages of hiring. Instead, HR professionals simply watch job applicants’ recorded interview responses when they have time. They can easily rate candidates and make comments, allowing hiring teams to collaborate and shortlist applicants with ease.
  • Can pre-recorded video interviews help recruiters overcome time zone challenges?

  • Yes! Pre-recorded video interviews make time zone challenges a thing of the past! Traditional in-person interviews and live video interviews require at least two people (perhaps more if there’s a hiring team) to all meet at a pre-arranged time. This can be difficult because of people’s busy schedules, and it’s especially challenging when trying to interview people in multiple time zones. Say goodbye to scheduling conflicts! Pre-recorded video interviews do not require anyone to meet at a certain time; all participants get involved on their own time—either recording answers to interview questions or reviewing the video recordings. This allows HR professionals to interview and hire top talent anywhere in the world, breaking down geographical barriers.
  • Can pre-recorded video interviews minimize hiring bias?

  • Yes, pre-recorded video interviews can help reduce hiring bias—both conscious and unconscious. Unfortunately, there are many types of hiring biases, which lead to bad hires and even expensive lawsuits. Thankfully video interviewing can help minimize bias in the recruitment process. How? One sure fire way is by incorporating structured digital interview questions into pre-recorded video interviews. This scientifically-proven interviewing technique helps reduce bias by asking the same questions in the same way in the same order to ALL candidates. Pre-recorded interviews also allow hiring teams to engage multiple stakeholders, re-watch video responses, share feedback and arrive at a hiring consensus more fairly. Candidates’ independent scores are automatically ranked so those that scored the highest move to the top of the shortlist.
  • How do pre-recorded video interviews compare with telephone interviews?

  • Say goodbye to annoying phone tag and long email threads! Compared to the hassle of telephone interviews, pre-recorded video interviews are a huge time saver. Pre-recorded interviews 100% eliminate the need to schedule a mutually-convenient time for an interview. Instead, candidates record answers to interview questions at their convenience—and hiring teams review the recorded responses whenever they have time, greatly facilitating the hiring process. Video interviews also reveal much more information about candidates than phone interviews. Over the phone, recruiters can only hear candidates’ voices. Video interviews allow hiring teams to see applicants’ facial expressions, mannerisms, as well as background indicators, giving HR professionals more well-rounded assessments of the candidates they’re interviewing.