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Virtual Events & Interview Days

Interview & hire top talent faster than ever with VidCruiter’s industry-leading virtual hiring events.

Virtual events & Interview Days

115,000+ recruiters trust VidCruiter

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Connect with candidates faster than ever

Accelerate recruitment with candidate-driven tools and automated workflows.


Empower candidates and increase completion rates

Allow candidates the flexibility to choose how and when they interview with your company.

Attract Attendees

Attract attendance for maximum success

Get candidates excited to apply with engaging landing pages and easy-apply forms.

Hire top candidates in record speed

Qualified candidates are tired of waiting.
Our solution gets them registered and interviewing as quickly as possible.

  • No downloads or logins required for interviews – candidates simply click on their link to join via any device
  • Give candidates the ability to interview right on the spot
  • Automatically export top candidates to your ATS for post-event follow-up
Hire top candidates fast
Attract Best-fit candidates

Expand your reach to attract best-fit candidates

See better hiring results with a wider pool of job applicants and support for volume hiring.

  • Easily scale annual, seasonal, or ad-hoc hiring initiatives across more regions, schools, and programs
  • Conduct interviews across multiple timezones with pre-recorded video interviews
  • Identify best-fit candidates with structured interviews and competency-based interview questions

Prioritize candidate preferences

Give candidates a better hiring experience with the flexibility to interview on their own terms.

  • Allow candidates to schedule their own interviews from available time slots
  • Offer more than one interview type for candidates to choose from –in-person, over the phone, live video, or pre-recorded
  • Add convenience by giving candidates the choice to interview on their preferred device (laptop, mobile phone, tablet)
Prioritize giving candidates preferences to interview on their terms
Maximize event attendance

Maximize event attendance

The secret to high attendance? Eye-catching landing pages and engaging content that gets candidates excited to work with your team.

  • Appeal to the right applicant pool with targeted messaging tailored to your ideal audience
  • Highlight your brand with an engaging, mobile-friendly landing page that integrates with Indeed and LinkedIn
  • Attract candidates across the country with an integrated map on the event landing page
  • Boost event attendance with accompanying ad campaigns

"Using VidCruiter for our virtual career fairs has provided an easy-to-use, dynamic platform that has completely shifted how we learn about candidates, and they learn about OLG. This technology has exponentially increased the value of our virtual events; and the fantastic team at VidCruiter has shown exceptional service and a true desire to ensure the entire experience is a success!"

Jenifer Edgar

Director of Talent Aquisition

Tech Check

Tech check prior to any virtual interview

24/7 Support

24/7 support available via chat, phone or email

1 minute turnaround

Guaranteed turnaround time of less than one minute

All the Tools for a Successful Virtual Hiring Event

Eye Catching

Eye-catching landing page

Easy Features

Easy-apply features

One-way and live

One-way & live video interviews

Self Schedule

Candidates self-schedules interview

No downloads and no logins

No downloads or logins

ATS / Job Board integration

ATS & job board integration

Real-time Metrics

Real-time campaign metrics

Experience the difference with a VidCruiter powered virtual event