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Inclusive Hiring

Written by

Tiffany Clark

Reviewed by

VidCruiter Editorial Team

Last Modified

Jun 27, 2024
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The term inclusive hiring refers to the practice of minimizing bias and creating an equitable application, interview, selection, and hiring process for job candidates from diverse backgrounds. Inclusive hiring helps level the playing field for applicants of all ages, backgrounds, races, genders, sexual orientations, and more. 


Inclusive hiring involves several steps, including:


  • Defining what diversity, equity, and inclusion should look like in your organization 

  • Using inclusivity statements and inclusive job descriptions that encourage application submissions by candidates from diverse backgrounds

  • Having an accessible website

  • Using recruitment technology such as video interviewing or an Applicant Tracking System to help reduce bias

  • Creating a hiring process that’s structured, which means that all candidates are asked the same questions and assessed on the same criteria

  • Diversifying the hiring team so that candidates feel represented

  • Expanding where job openings are posted (iHispano, National Association of Asian-American Professionals (NAAAP), FairyGodBoss, Pinkboss)

  • Conducting blind hiring by removing biographical details such as educational backgrounds and names from skills assessments and resumes

  • Educating the hiring team members on how to reduce bias when making hiring decisions

  • Focusing on culture add instead of culture fit

  • Inviting candidates to share their preferred pronouns and name pronunciation

  • Structuring an inclusive employer brand

  • Creating an offer process that is fair for historically underrepresented groups of people


A study by Monster revealed that 86% of job candidates worldwide say diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and the hiring process are important to them. 


In addition to being fair and equitable, organizations benefit from inclusive hiring, which supports an organization’s growth. The McKinsey reports Delivering Through Diversity (2018) and Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters (2020) show that financial gains are more obtainable when companies have a more diverse workforce.




To fully implement inclusive hiring, companies should start with their brand, promotional materials, and job postings. This can include using images and videos featuring diverse people and inclusive language in promotional marketing materials. Inclusive branding should extend to a company’s website and job postings so that diverse job-seekers of varying ages, races, sexual orientations, genders, and abilities are encouraged to apply. 


Diversifying the hiring team is also essential. When Intel implemented requirements that interview panels had to include a minimum of two members of underrepresented groups or women, the diversity of hires increased by 14% — from 31% to 45%.


Related Terms

Diversity Hiring

is the conscious practice of creating a diverse workforce by hiring employees from diverse backgrounds, including sexual orientations, races, national origins, and genders.


is a term that refers to an organization’s collective mixture of employees with similarities and differences. Diverse workplaces employ people of all ages, different values, cultural backgrounds, individual characteristics, life experiences, beliefs, races, education levels, religions, sexual orientations, genders, and physical abilities.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

are frequently grouped together because the three concepts are interconnected. When used in combination, a complete impact emerges. The three words describe values that organizations strive to embody so that theory can meet the needs of employees from all walks of life.

DEI Policy

is the term used to refer to an organization’s policies or programs used to promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion values. Having a DEI policy in place encourages recruiters to recruit and hire diverse team members and build a welcoming workplace that is free of discrimination.

Inclusive Language

avoids expressing or implying ideas that are sexist, racist, or otherwise biased, discriminatory, or insulting to people. In terms of hiring and recruiting practices, inclusive language avoids marginalizing people based on their social identities or lived experiences.

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI)

is a framework that organizations and individuals can use to create a more equitable, inclusive, and just society. JEDI is an intersectional approach that recognizes that issues of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are interconnected and cannot be addressed in isolation.


Justice refers to the fair and equitable treatment of all individuals, and the creation of a society that is free from discrimination and oppression. This includes addressing systemic issues such as poverty, racism, and other forms of injustice.


Equity refers to the fair distribution of resources and opportunities, taking into account the different needs and circumstances of individuals and communities. This means recognizing and addressing the ways in which historic and current systems of oppression have led to disparities and working to ensure that everyone has what they need to succeed.


Diversity refers to the recognition and valuing of differences among individuals and groups. This includes differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, age, and other characteristics.


Inclusion refers to the active engagement and involvement of individuals and groups who have been historically excluded or marginalized. This includes creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and able to fully participate.


Together, these elements work to create a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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