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How Jeenie Developed an On-Demand Contractor Assessment Process Using VidCruiter

Washington - US
On-Demand Contracting

Pre-Recorded Video Interviews

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Live Video Interviews

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Structured Digital Interviews

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Interview Scheduling Software

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Skills Testing

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Applicant Tracking System

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Jeenie Case Study Hero


unique candidate journeys within a single position


decrease in admin time per candidate


are identified immediately as top talent through VidCruiter’s automated process

The Client

Jeenie connects users with a live language expert to remove language barriers and help with communication needs. The platform has over 14,000 independent interpreters and offers interpretation in over 300 languages.

Jeenie Client Image

The Challenge

Interpreters are at the core of Jeenie’s app. Initially, Jeenie focused on gaining momentum by recruiting independent interpreters using targeted email blasts.

At that time, there were far fewer steps in the interview process because Jeenie could only assess a limited number of languages. Live interviews were also scheduled and conducted manually.

As the business grew and hundreds of interpreters began applying every month, Jeenie needed to start managing the flow of new applicants and reassessing the existing interpreters in its database.

Jeenie’s app needs the right amount of interpreters to operate optimally. If too many interpreters are available, churn increases due to inactivity, and if too few are available, service speed decreases. It’s a balance that needs to be maintained, and Jeenie was looking to put new processes in place so it would be ready for rapid onboarding when demand increased.

Recruiting and training interpreters is an essential part of Jeenie’s service offering. Jeenie was using several vendors and apps, and its vision was to unify everything in one place in order to analyze its interpreter pipeline and manage its proprietary training processes. Bringing everything into one platform would also enhance access to its recruitment data, helping Jeenie appeal to potential investors.

Having complete visibility into how many interpreters are in the platform for every language, especially its core languages, would allow Jeenie to optimize and closely control the pace of onboarding.

Jeenie saw the opportunity to grow its business and streamline its manual screening, interviewing, and onboarding processes by leveraging technology. It wanted a system that would conform to its processes while enabling Jeenie’s small recruitment team to work smarter, not harder.

Corey Headshot

“VidCruiter's live interview tool is what we have been looking for. No more Calendly reliance, no more Zoom or Google Meet links to send. We just meet in VidCruiter, and it works.”

Corey Birkhofer

Manager of Recruiting and Compliance,



The Solution

VidCruiter designed an automated workflow around Jeenie’s proprietary module-based assessment method based on a grading rubric designed by Jeenie’s Head of Linguist Engagement, Frank Dolce. Jeenie’s automated structured recruitment process saves time on manual tasks while still incorporating human oversight where it matters most: in the interview rating process.

Jeenie’s digital workflow is incredibly dynamic thanks to the applicant tracking system. Once a candidate applies, their journey is language-specific and highly customized based on the rarity of the language, the required skill level, and the necessary certifications or requirements. If the candidate is qualified but needs a specific certification, for example, Jeenie’s new process helps them get the certification they need so they can stay in the funnel.

Even though they are contractors, candidates have to go through a rigorous, multi-stage process that determines if they have the right competencies and skill level to be an interpreter for Jeenie. By the time candidates arrive at the final live interview, the recruitment team is confident that they’ve done enough training and collected enough data and documentation that the candidate is qualified and ready to work for Jeenie.

At any point during the process, if an interpreter or someone from Jeenie’s recruitment team has a question, they use VidCruiter’s 24/7 live support to resolve it immediately.

Jeenie Solution Image

“At first I was unsure if the live support would be able to help me…but it’s been a game changer because I can jump right in and get my questions answered right away. You don’t have to submit a ticket and wait days. And my interpreter candidates can use it without inundating me with questions.”

Corey Birkhofer

Manager of Recruiting and Compliance,


Since using VidCruiter and introducing a new assessment process, Jeenie has raised its standards and requalified all the interpreters in its database. Now every interpreter shares Jeenie’s values and meets its qualifications.

For the more popular languages, Jeenie maintains a waiting list of candidates who meet the requirements that it can prompt any time to start moving through the funnel.

Jeenie leverages every aspect of VidCruiter’s platform, including using candidate tagging to indicate the language the interpreter works in. Tagging allows Jeenie’s recruitment team to do pinpointed searches according to language, and easily pull these candidates into the recruitment funnel when demand for specific languages increases.


“VidCruiter has changed my day-to-day and allowed me to get ahead. I wake up, I load up my dashboard, and I can quickly place dozens of interpreters into proper workflows before I’ve even finished my morning coffee.”

Corey Birkhofer

Manager of Recruiting and Compliance,


The Results

Out of thousands of candidates, Jeenie is now able to quickly and easily identify the top one-third of candidates via knockout questions.

Jeenie Results

“VidCruiter has been able to tailor our workflow to be so dynamic…we have almost 1000 people contained within a single position. That's amazing.”

Corey Birkhofer

Manager of Recruiting and Compliance,


By introducing advanced video interviewing, standardizing ratings, and automating the onboarding process, VidCruiter has added efficiency and elevated Jeenie’s interview and evaluation process.

Implementing a structured process has made it easier to identify strong candidates earlier and filter out candidates based on various factors. It also allows Jeenie to be more reactive: when a large new client comes on board, the recruitment team can speed things along by moving interpreters from the waitlist into the automated and structured process.

The top 20% of candidates make it through Jeenie’s process, which is an indication of the quality of its interpreters. This makes sense given that Jeenie offers a medical-level interpretation, which requires the interpreter to have a HIPAA certification, speak the translation language, and have technical knowledge.

Using VidCruiter also drastically reduced the number of one-off emails the recruiting team receives from interpreters with common questions. The automated training process answers frequently asked questions like how payment works, how the app works, the customer service policies, and more.

With centralized candidate information and VidCruiter’s reporting functionality, Jeenie was able to clarify key performance indicators. Having easy access to its valuable data is helping Jeenie drive business growth by using this information to attract investors and more.

VidCruiter helped Jeenie get complete visibility and control over its recruitment funnel by consolidating, standardizing, and automating the recruitment process. Going forward, Jeenie and VidCruiter are working to leverage interview intelligence and insights to scale Jeenie’s business to new heights.

“VidCruiter has already helped me to do a lot in these last six months. It definitely freed up a lot of my brainpower.”

Corey Birkhofer

Manager of Recruiting and Compliance,


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