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Skills Testing

Understand your candidates better than ever with a full range of pre-employment testing.

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115,000+ recruiters trust VidCruiter

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Deeper Evaluation

Get a deeper evaluation of candidates

Create a totally custom assessment or access 100s of pre-built skills tests.


Automatically progress candidates based on score

Cut admin tasks with automated candidate scoring and notifications.

Skill Evaluation

Evaluate practical skills through self- and human-proctored exams

Assess candidates fairly with structured and monitored pre-employment testing.

VidCruiter Skills testing allows you to customize for any skill set

Customized testing for any skill set

Build your own fully custom testing using engaging video, audio, presentations, and text-based scenario questions.

  • Test a variety of skills including typing speed, English proficiency, Excel knowledge, and script reading
  • Include your HR-approved ratings and scoring rubrics
  • Weight individual question scores – the system will calculate the candidates’ results
  • Add optional time limits
  • Include on-demand or live proctoring

Select questions from our pre-built library

Save time with access to 100s of skills tests from our partner libraries.

  • Our library includes, but is not limited to, the following assessment options:
    • Proof checking
    • Cross-checking
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Situational judgment
    • Inductive reasoning
    • Numerical reasoning
    • Financial acumen
    • Microsoft Outlook
    • Microsoft Word
    • Microsoft Excel
    • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Multiple choice and open essay format exams
  • Assign question weights - the system automatically calculates the results
  • Set time limits - optional
  • Compatible with on-demand or live proctoring
VidCruiter's pre-built library

Embed skills tests from a test partner

Integrate with the tools you love. Send specialized test invites and view results directly within the VidCruiter platform.
Choose from one of our premier partners below or easily connect an alternate partner through our API.

Customer Preferred

Criteria MacArthur DevSkiller Test Partnership

Not seeing the testing partner you want?
Ask us about our API to get you connected.

Preview jobs to reduce high first month turnover

Use job previews to find the right hire

Drastically reduce first-month turnover by giving a highly accurate picture of day-to-day work life.

  • Job-specific work samples have the highest predictive validity of any testing method
  • Use videos and images of real workplace scenarios for an accurate depiction of duties
  • Allow candidates to download (and upload) presentations and assignments within the platform

Automate candidate scoring and progression

Manual scoring not required. Automatic scoring and top-scorer notifications allow you to fast-track their progression.

  • The system automatically calculates and sorts candidates’ scores, allowing you to focus on the top performers
  • Move candidates based on test scores allowing them to take different routes
  • Automatically notify candidates of next steps via email or text based on their results
  • Save workflows as templates to use for future positions and/or hiring initiatives
Preview jobs to reduce high first month turnover

"One feature we really appreciate about the VidCruiter platform is being able to integrate our own assessment right into the application, where it works seamlessly."

Patricia Langelaan



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Top features of skills testing


Mixed media testing

Test your build

Option to fully build your own test

On-demand or Live proctoring

On-demand or live proctoring available

Scoring and Time

Customized scoring and time limits


Automated scoring and ranking


Customizable outcome workflow

Identify top talent with ultra-relevant skills tests