CAR Interview Method

What is the CAR Interview Method?
When it comes to job interviews, one of the most effective methods is the CAR interview. Whether you’re preparing for your first one or you’re a seasoned professional looking for a new role, understanding how the CAR method works can give you a significant edge.
- Context (C): Set the scene by briefly describing the situation you were in, and provide enough background information to help the interviewer understand the challenges or issues you were facing.
- Action (A): Explain the actions you took to address the situation, and focus on your specific contributions and skills or strategies you used to solve the problem.
- Result (R): Share the outcome of your actions, ideally with measurable results, and highlight what you achieved, and how it benefited the team, company, or project.
CAR Interview Method Questions
- Tell me about a time when you faced a major obstacle at work. How did you overcome it?
- Describe a situation where you had to collaborate with a difficult team member. How did you handle it?
- Give an example of a time when you led a team through a challenging project.
- When did you have to juggle multiple priorities? How did you ensure everything got done?
- Can you give an example of a time when you went above and beyond for customer satisfaction?
Related Terms
Interview Scorecard
is a popular tool used to evaluate candidates based on pre-determined competency areas and criteria.
Structured Interview
refers to interviews in which all candidates are asked the same questions. With a structured interview, there is a systematic approach that ensures equity, and candidates are scored using a scorecard.
Behavioral-Based Interview
refers to an interview in which hiring managers ask candidates behavioral-based interview questions. The aim of a behavioral-based interview is to reveal a candidate’s character traits, skills, and likely future performance. The term behavior-based interview is used interchangeably with competency-based interview.
Group Interview
is a term that refers to an interview that consists of one or more company representatives interviewing multiple candidates simultaneously.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between STAR and CAR interview methods?
The main difference between STAR and CAR methods lies in their structure. The STAR method includes a “Task” step where candidates explain what specific goal or challenge they were working towards. The CAR method, in contrast, combines that “Task” and “Situation” into a single “Context,” which dives straight into action and outcomes.
How can a candidate best prepare for a CAR method interview?
Candidates can prepare by thinking of specific examples from their past experiences that demonstrate their skills, especially those relevant to the role they’re applying for. Focus on situations where problem-solving, leadership, or conflict management was emphasized.
What professions typically use CAR responses to questions?
Retail, teaching, and healthcare typically employ CAR responses for speed and brevity. However, candidates interviewing for any job role can benefit from the CAR method. Context matters in every position where a candidate has demonstrated competence in adapting to situations.
In a CAR interview, how long should responses from the candidate typically be?
During CAR interviews, candidates should aim to keep their responses around 1-2 minutes in length. They can rehearse answers to common interview questions ahead of time to see how long they tend to talk. In pre-recorded interviews, candidates may have the option to re-record if their responses exceed the ideal time frame.